Wolf of wall street movie screencaps
Wolf of wall street movie screencaps

In this role Leonardo DiCaprio channels a mid-career Jack Nicholson, hamming it up depicting the wildest excesses of Jordan’s Wall Street lifestyle. Leonardo DiCaprio has become the go-to actor for Martin Scorsese, joining up with the director for several projects in the past fifteen years. It mostly succeeds in that endeavor, only losing steam as the films drags on for three hours. What that film did for the mob, The Wolf of Wall Street attempts to do for the criminal elite found on Wall Street. The basic story of Jordan Belfort’s actual life is told in a manner that most will recognize from Scorsese’s undisputed mob classic, Goodfellas.

wolf of wall street movie screencaps

It’s Goodfellas and Wall Street and Glengarry Glen Ross all mashed together in an entertaining blend, though the combination is not quite the equal of those classic movies. The Wolf of Wall Street chronicles the rise and fall of Stratton Oakmont, a real trading firm headed in the 1990s by Jordan Belfort.

Wolf of wall street movie screencaps